Mate in 2 (number of chessmen)

These mate-in-two puzzle sets are selected according to the number of chessmen on the chessboard. In each position there are at least three chessmen cooperating in giving checkmate.

1. Mate in two moves — up to 8 chessmen
Checkmate the black king in two moves using at least three chessmen in the presence of at most eight chessmen on the chessboard!

2. Mate in two moves — 9-12 chessmen
Checkmate the black king in two moves using at least three chessmen in the presence of 9-12 chessmen on the chessboard!

3. Mate in two moves — 13-16 chessmen
Checkmate the black king in two moves using at least three chessmen in the presence of 13-16 chessmen on the chessboard!

4. Mate in two moves — 17-20 chessmen
Checkmate the black king in two moves using at least three chessmen in the presence of 17-20 chessmen on the chessboard!

5. Mate in two moves — 21-32 chessmen
Checkmate the black king in two moves using at least three chessmen in the presence of 21-32 chessmen on the chessboard!